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Vitamin D

Why is Vitamin D important?

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that supports bone, muscle, and immune health, as well as aiding in Calcium absorption. Our bodies can produce Vitamin D through exposure to the sun without sunscreen, but many people do not produce enough due to ma

Who should take a Vitamin D supplement?

Studies show that 95% of Americans do not consume enough Vitamin D from their diet alone, and nearly one third are Vitamin D deficient.[1,2] If you get less than 15 minutes of sun exposure per day without sunscreen, or have low Vitamin D levels, Vita

What is Vitamin D good for?

Vitamin D is essential to support a healthy immune response. It also helps improve the body’s absorption of Calcium, which supports bone and teeth health. Nature Made® supplements are made with Vitamin D3, which is the body’s preferred form of Vitami

How do I know if I need to supplement with vitamin D?

Your personal healthcare professional can order a simple blood test to check your vitamin D levels. You may be at risk if you: • Experience less than 15-30 minutes of full body exposure sunlight between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. • Wear sunscreen. • Have a d

How exactly does vitamin D work to support my immune system health?

Research suggests that Vitamin D may support our immune function because it has numerous effects on cells within the immune system, helping them to function optimally. Vitamin D receptors can be found on most immune cells suggesting a significant rol

How much Vitamin D should I take per day?

The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D depends on many factors, such as age, skin color, and level of sun exposure. The Endocrine Society recommends dosages for adults ranging from 1500 to 2000 IUs per day to maintain Vitamin D levels, although do